Hansen & Heinrich Akademie
In order to live up to our mottt of "value to added values", we regularly offer free webinars on the topic of wealth creation, structuring and management. Please note that we currently offer our webinars exclusively in German.
The 15 Most Important Answers About Inheriting and Bequeathing
The same questions repeatedly concern testators and future heirs when it comes to arranging or clarifying asset succession. Which ones they are, and especially what the answers are, are explained by our experts in the webinar. The webinar covers answers to questions such as:
- Do I need a #will, and if so, is the Berliner Testament right for me?
- How do I write a legally secure will?
- What should I arrange in advance to avoid conflicts and disputes?
- How can I ensure sufficient liquidity for the #inheritance tax through good financial planning?
- How can I avoid inheritance tax through lifetime gifting?
Speakers: Stefan Skulesch, attorney, notary, and tax advisor, advises on all inheritance law and inheritance tax questions of succession planning and is a partner at SKW Schwarz. Samir Zakaria is the branch manager of Hansen & Heinrich AG Wealth Management. The business graduate has extensive expertise in comprehensive financial consulting and is responsible for the Hansen & Heinrich Academy.
Buying and Selling Real Estate in 2025: What to Watch For
Speaker: Jürgen Michael Schick and Stephan H. Exler
How will the real estate market develop in 2025? Is buying property as an investment still a good decision in the coming year? How will financing rates evolve? Jürgen Michael Schick and client advisor Stephan H. Exler provide answers to these and other questions in today’s V-CHECK webinar.
You’ll get an overview of the current situation and expected changes in the real estate market in 2025. In the webinar, you’ll learn:
- What does the current price trend mean in the short- to medium-term for property owners or those who want to become one?
- Where are the opportunities and risks? What should I consider when buying or selling a property?
- What does a successful real estate financing look like in 2025?
- What government regulations should property owners expect in the coming years?
Inheriting Is Not for the Faint of Heart (Guest Webinar at V-Check with Stefan Skulesch)
Date: April 17, 2024, at 7 PM
Speakers: Samir Zakaria and Stefan Skulesch
“Are you still talking with your family, or have you already inherited?” The topic of inheritance affects everyone and certainly carries potential for conflict. Unfortunately, many people either do not address it sufficiently or make critical mistakes in planning. In our webinar, you’ll learn how smart financial planning can ensure that most of your estate benefits your heirs rather than the tax office or costly lawyers.
There are numerous strategies to achieve this goal. What real scenarios arise in practice, and what valuable lessons can we learn from them? What challenges occur in joint inheritances, and how can you prevent conflicts and the loss of assets? What does a portfolio look like that is suitable for passing on to the next generation?
So That Needing Care Doesn’t Become a Financial Burden
Unfortunately, unforeseen events such as requiring long-term care are not uncommon and can happen to anyone. This often presents a significant challenge for the person in need of care and their family, not only from an organizational perspective but also financially. To ensure that needing care doesn’t become a financial burden, experts in this webinar offer valuable insights and practical tips to help you successfully manage the financial impacts.
The following questions will be answered in the webinar:
- How can you avoid financial shortages in an acute care situation?
- What support does long-term care insurance offer, and what should be considered for tax purposes?
- What responsibilities and reliefs should my authorized representatives expect?
- How can I save for potential care needs and protect my assets when the time comes?
Review of 2023 and an Initial Outlook on the Right Investment Strategy for the Coming Months
2023 was a challenging year: Rising interest rates, inflation, recession, wars – finding the right investment is more difficult than ever. How can I position myself correctly in the coming months amid these challenges? In the webinar, you’ll learn:
- What happened in 2023, and what does it mean for the future?
- Do I still need stocks in my strategy given the rising interest rates?
- What role do bonds (again) play in my investments?
- How can I offset inflation?
- Do real estate investments still make sense in a mixed portfolio?
- What does a profitable investment strategy look like in light of the current challenges?
Date: November 14 at 7:00 PM
Speakers: Andreas Heinrich, founder of Hansen & Heinrich AG and Head of H&H Portfolio Management, Andreas Fritz, fund and portfolio manager at Hansen & Heinrich AG
Download the Presentation
Real Estate Outlook 2024 – Where Is the Journey Headed?
For a long time, real estate was considered a key pillar in a mixed portfolio. Prices only knew one direction: up. But is buying property as an investment still a good decision in light of rising interest rates? How will the real estate market develop in 2024? This is explained by two experts in the webinar in cooperation with V-Check. You will get an overview of the current situation and the expected changes in the real estate landscape for 2024.
In the webinar, you’ll learn:
- How will the real estate market develop in 2024?
- Where are the opportunities, and where are the risks?
- What should I consider when buying a property and what when selling one?
- What does successful real estate financing look like in 2024, considering interest rate trends?
- What government regulations can property owners expect in the coming years?
Date: November 28 at 7:00 PM
Speakers: Jürgen Michael Schick is the President of the IVD Real Estate Association (Federal Association of Real Estate Consultants, Brokers, Managers, and Appraisers e.V. (formerly RDM Federal Association e.V.)). Samir Zakaria is a wealth manager and branch manager of the Frankfurt office of Hansen & Heinrich AG.
Building Wealth Made Easy – Here’s How to Invest for the Long Term!
Many investors tend to put off financial matters, often because they don’t know how or when to start building wealth. But the greatest financial loss occurs when you don’t start investing. In this webinar, savings expert Dennis Thunig explains what to keep in mind when building wealth and how to get started. In the webinar, you’ll learn:
- What basic principles should I follow when building wealth?
- When should I start building wealth?
- How can I maintain a long-term investment?
- How do I invest €25,000, €100,000, or €250,000 for strong returns?
Speaker: Dennis Thunig is an expert in retirement planning at Hansen & Heinrich V0rsorgeberatung GmbH.
Long-Term Real Capital Preservation for Foundations: Defensive, Consistently Distributing, and Sustainably Successful.
The year 2023 on the capital markets is also marked by various, sometimes opposing developments: Strong price increases in a few highly capitalized tech stocks have caught many investors off guard. Additionally, there is ongoing debate about whether we are already in a recession, have one ahead of us, or have already moved past it.
Date: August 16 at 10:00 AM
Speaker: Andreas Heinrich, founder of Hansen & Heinrich AG and Head of H&H Portfolio Management
Is Real Estate as an Investment Facing Extinction?
Date: June 20 at 7:00 PM
Rental property is considered the perfect retirement plan. However, many investors find that after accounting for inflation, their property turns out to be a poor investment. Those who still want to buy real estate should keep a few points in mind to ensure that “concrete gold” doesn’t become a financial pitfall.
Free Download:
Checklists – What to Consider When Buying and Selling Real Estate
Inherit the Right Way – Pass Your Wealth to Your Heirs, Not the Tax Office!
Date: May 9 at 7:00 PM
Most wealth isn’t lost on the stock market but through illness, divorce, and death. In the latter case, smart financial planning can ensure that the inheritance goes as fully as possible to your heirs. There are many ways to do this. One method, familiar to investors in real estate, is usufruct, which also applies to securities.
Provision and Wealth Succession – Five Questions You Should Have Answers To in an Emergency
Date: March 23 at 7:00 PM
No one likes to think about death, accidents, or illness. However, such events can happen to anyone at any time. What questions should you be prepared to answer in an emergency? What mistakes can occur in estate planning, and how can you avoid them? And how can a digital legacy (keywords: passwords, mobile devices) be managed? These questions will be addressed by H&H board member Timon Heinrich on March 23 at 7 PM in a joint webinar with our cooperation partner V-Bank.
Capital Market Outlook by H&H Portfolio Management
Date: January 26 at 5:00 PM
In times of concerns over double-digit inflation figures, rising geopolitical uncertainty, and the ever-relevant topic of sustainability, we aim to stay true to our motto “Turning Values into Added Value” and provide our clients and partners with a long-term outlook on current and future developments.
As the year came to a close, it became apparent that we are approaching the potential peak of inflation and the zenith of interest rate hikes. However, we will likely have to manage with elevated interest levels for longer than expected. The search for a new balance between inflation, interest rates, and economic slowdown will be one of the major themes of 2023.
Our last annual outlook ended with the metaphor of a safety car phase. At the start of 2023, we will still be in this phase. The accelerator is pressed down, but brakes are quickly applied – it doesn’t feel like a real race. Full-throttle times will come later, but even then, only those who master the pace and drive with foresight will succeed.
Corporate Social Responsibility in the Age of Transformative Intelligence
Date: October 13 at 7:00 PM
Frank H. Wilhelmi, serial entrepreneur, investor, and business angel, will provide insights into what corporate social responsibility means in the age of transformative intelligence. Since 2019, he has been the founder of the Odem Investing Initiative for socially responsible entrepreneurship. His prior experience includes 20 years as CEO of mid-sized family businesses. Frank H. Wilhelmi is a member of the initiative group and jury for the Hessian Founder’s Prize and the Hessian University Innovation Award, as well as the World Ethics Pitch Day at the World Ethics Institute in Tübingen. He advises the Hessian state government on implementing sustainability strategies. Look forward to an interactive exchange with him.
Following this, Marc Dassler, Co-Founder and CEO of Energy Robotics, will show us what lies ahead in the world of digital transformation and how a corresponding success model functions. Energy Robotics specializes in creating a unified, intuitive platform for human-robot interaction to facilitate the integration of robots into industrial processes. Mobile, autonomous robots can and will play a crucial role in addressing the growing labor shortage problem in the future.
Plötzlich Pflegefall – so wird aus einem Schicksalsschlag kein finanzielles und Betreuungsrisiko
Termin: 21. September um 18:00 Uhr
Der Pflegefall tritt immer überraschend ein und kann jeden treffen. Sowohl für den Pflegebedürftigen als auch für seine Familie beginnt eine meist anstrengende Zeit. Dabei möchte man niemandem zur Last fallen und der eigene Wille sollte durchgesetzt werden.
Referent: Margit Winkler ist Geschäftsführerin des Instituts GenerationenBeratung (IGB), Bad Nauheim.
The Property Tax Reform – What Property Owners Should Know
Date: April 27 at 4:00 PM
From July 1 to October 31, 2022, all property owners are required to submit a property tax declaration for the first time. This requirement is based on the Federal Constitutional Court ruling of April 10, 2018, which mandated the legislature to establish new regulations by 2025 at the latest. The federal government and states could not agree on a uniform property tax model, resulting in 9 federal states following the federal model and 7 federal states creating their own regulations. In this webinar, the basics of each property tax model will be explained using an “example property,” and key questions and pitfalls, particularly regarding the required data, will be addressed.
Speaker: Jürgen Lindauer is a tax advisor with over 25 years of experience in real estate taxation at KPMG.
Presentation by Jürgen Lindauer
Ukraine – A Nation Between Soviet Past and European Future
Date: March 12 at 6:00 PM
To help us analyze and understand the situation in Ukraine, we are pleased to welcome Dr. Gerhard Gnauck, the Ukraine and Poland correspondent for the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, based in Warsaw, for a lecture.
About the Speaker: Gerhard Gnauck was born in Warsaw in 1964 and attended school in Wiesbaden and Mainz. After studying Eastern European History, Political Science, and Slavic Studies, and completing a doctorate on “Parties and Nationalism in Russia” under Gesine Schwan, Gnauck joined the F.A.Z. news editorial team in 1995. Since 2018, Gnauck has been the political correspondent for Poland, Ukraine, and the Baltics.
“The Comeback of Chinese Stocks?” with Dr. Mirko Wormuth
Date: March 23 at 5:00 PM
China’s capital market has been under significant pressure in recent months for various reasons, including regulatory challenges and the instability of companies in the real estate sector. On the other hand, China continues to pursue an innovation strategy for digital renewal. How does this tension impact the rise of digital China and its technology companies? Dr. Mirko Wormuth will discuss how the People’s Republic is positioning itself between Russia and the West and share his outlook on the development of the Chinese stock market.
Dr. Mirko Wormuth, who has worked in China for 20 years as a lawyer and entrepreneur, will explain how investors can participate in the rapid rise of what will soon be the world’s largest economy and why it may be worth looking beyond the major giants like Alibaba and Tencent to the next tier of tech companies in the coming years.
Capital Market Outlook with Andreas Fritz
Date: February 2 at 5:00 PM
Speaker: Andreas Fritz (Fund and Portfolio Manager at Hansen & Heinrich AG)
Andreas Fritz takes a forward-looking approach, examining the tension between inflation concerns and interest rate hike fears, closely tied to the ongoing economic recovery. While he cannot predict the exact headlines of 2022, Andreas Fritz is confident that 2022 will be no less exciting than the previous year, outlining fundamental opportunities and risks for investors.
Board Liability in Foundations
Date: November 10, 2021, at 4:30 PM
Speaker: Dr. Gerrith Ponath (Attorney, Specialist in Inheritance Law and Tax Law, Partner at ADVANT Beiten)
The work of (non-profit) foundations relies on the dedication of their boards, staff, and supporters. However, taking on a board position also brings significant responsibilities and liability risks. If the foundation incurs damage due to a culpable breach of duty, the responsible board member is liable with their personal assets. Dr. Ponath will use a practical example to highlight where the risks lie and how they can be significantly minimized and avoided.
Presentation Materials
Is a Cancer Vaccine in Sight?
Date: October 27, 2021, at 6:30 PM
Speaker: Dr. Sebastian Kreiter
RNA is widely recognized as a vaccine. But what else can RNA contribute to drug development in the 21st century?
Dr. Sebastian Kreiter completed his medical studies at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz in 1997. His clinical training in hematology and oncology (1997-2001) led him to translational science in the field of immunotherapies.
In the academic group of Ugur Sahin and Özlem Türeci, Dr. Kreiter began the preclinical development of in vitro transcribed mRNA cancer vaccines in 2001, providing the foundational scientific and technical proof of concept. He is currently the Director of the “Immun Therapy Development Center” at TRON – Translational Oncology at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz and serves as Head of “Immunotherapy & Preclinical Research” at BioNTech.
The Essence of Investing with Dr. Markus Elsässer
Date: October 8, 2021, at 6:00 PM
Speaker: Dr. Markus Elsässer, independent investor, fund advisor, and founder of ME-Fonds
Building and preserving wealth takes a lifetime. Those who want to be successful in investing over the long term should follow a few key principles!
Dr. Elsässer, as an independent investor, will discuss the principles of capital investment. What is required to operate successfully in the capital markets? What should young people do right from the start to build a retirement plan? Are stocks currently too high and purely speculative? How important is “timing” in investing? With no interest rates – is saving still worthwhile?
Art as an Asset
Date: October 6, 2021, at 6:00 PM
Speaker: Dennis Preiter, Co-Founder & Partner of The Global Fine Art GmbH
What do Leonardo DiCaprio and DZ Bank have in common?
They have been investing capital for many years in the time-honored, extraordinary, and unique tangible asset of art.
Art as a store of value is independent of other financial assets, tax-advantaged, expresses individual values, conveys messages – and is always something special in the end. For entrepreneurs and families, art offers not only a passion but also interesting strategic planning and utilization opportunities.
Dennis Preiter provides fascinating insights into the commercial perspective on art, discusses the tension between cultural heritage and investment, and highlights the tax advantages that can be leveraged when purchasing art.
View PDF of the Presentation
“Housing Policy Between Rent Moratorium and Expropriation Debate”
What Property Owners and Investors Can Expect After the Federal Election.
Date: September 17
Speaker: Jürgen Michael Schick, President of the German Real Estate Association IVD & Managing Director of Michael Schick GmbH & Co. KG
Jürgen Schick sheds light on the exciting and controversial topic of “Housing Policy,” which holds particular relevance for property owners and is more pressing than ever before the federal election.
Link to the Webinar Recording
Reforms in the Foundation Sector
Date: September 8, 2021, at 4:30 PM
Speakers: Dr. Gerrith Ponath – Attorney, Specialist in Inheritance & Tax Law, Partner at Beiten Burkhardt
Frauke Morwinski – Lead Manager of the H&H Foundation Fund
Dr. Ponath will review the upcoming reform of foundation law in 2023, which affects all existing foundations. This reform will unify foundation civil law, currently governed by the 16 individual state foundation laws, and incorporate it into the German Civil Code. He will discuss, among other topics, the impact on endowment capital and other assets. Ms. Morwinski will present Hansen & Heinrich’s approach to asset management for foundations, focusing particularly on sustainability and how ESG criteria influence investment decisions.
Presentation by Frauke Morwinski
Presentation by Dr. Gerrith Ponath
Webinar Recording
Review and Outlook of H&H Portfolio Management
Date: August 25, 2021, at 5:30 PM
Speakers: Andreas Heinrich & Frauke Morwinski
Andreas Heinrich (Head of Portfolio Management) and Frauke Morwinski (Portfolio Manager) discuss the development of asset management at Hansen & Heinrich. A review of the first half of 2021 is followed by an outlook for the remainder of the year. Broader trends and their implementation in the portfolio are also highlighted.
Link to the Webinar Recording
The Asian Century and Its Global Implications
Date: June 24, 2021, at 6:00 PM
Speakers: Christian Ziemer (Allianz Global Investors) and Marcus Kurz (Hansen & Heinrich AG)
As lockdowns and restrictions continue to change our lives, the question arises: Will 2021 bring a return to normalcy? This is certainly the hope in the fight against the coronavirus. The vaccines being administered throughout the year should at least help pave the way back.
In terms of the economy and global economies, the picture is quite varied: China has almost completed its path back, the USA under new leadership is also moving at a rapid pace, while Europe is taking a bit longer. We would like to discuss the impact this has on your investments.
Learn more about this fascinating topic in this 90-minute webinar. For the evening, we have invited Asia specialist and Regional Account Manager Christian Ziemer from Allianz Global Investors to provide a global market outlook with a focus on Asia. The global picture and investment tips recommended by Allianz Global Investors in the current environment will also be discussed.
Link to the Webinar Recording
“Navigating Correctly in the Era of Noise” – An Experience Report & Outlook by Markus Koch
Date: June 10, 2021, at 6:00 PM
Speaker: Markus Koch, Stock Market Journalist and TV Moderator
For the fifth event in the series, we have planned something very special for you. In cooperation with DJE Kapital, we were able to invite Markus Koch as a speaker.
With Joe Biden in the White House, stability is gradually returning to the global stock markets and the economy. However, the rules for successful investing haven’t changed. It has, however, become more challenging to distinguish between noise, hype, and reality. Markus Koch explains how investors can still see the forest for the trees amidst the noise.
Real Estate in Estate Assets (Heir Communities, Typical Problems & Solutions)
Date: May 20, 2021, at 4:00 PM
Speaker: Stefan Skulesch, Attorney, Notary, and Tax Advisor at SKW Schwarz Rechtsanwälte
According to Wirtschaftswoche, Stefan Skulesch is among the top 40 lawyers in Germany specializing in “inheritance law.”
In this webinar, Mr. Skulesch will guide you through the specifics of real estate assets in estates, illustrating typical issues and solutions through various case scenarios. In addition to the risks of an heir community and the inheritance tax treatment of real estate assets, which in good locations may have seen significant value increases in recent years, you can look forward to discussing several current aspects of real estate assets.